Quotes from A Iyer in Jose's Well Book 1
​​If you want to change your life for the better, simple, just choose health for yourself and others, every step, every mode, and every...

Bow, Arrow, and Sheshadharananda, A Poem...Every Arrow is Opportunity...is Life!!!
​​An arrow, a thought, every word and deed,​​ are they not all alike indeed?

Am I messed up? How to feel balanced? One simple tip
We choose to fill our awareness, emotions, thoughts choices, words, and actions with mess (lack of healthy awareness, emotions, thoughts, wo

How to overcome fear? One simple tip
A sure shot way of overcoming fear is by searching within for the goal that fuels your existence. That is it. Nothing else is required.

Life is not a bed of roses, they say. But, do we really need a bed of roses to get on with it?
Is life a bed of roses, or full of thorns, or a little bit of both? I don’t know, and probably could care less. Life is a gymnasium. And you

Am I beautiful?
Each one of us is an epitome and standard of beauty. The definition of beauty is not limited to a model on a magazine. Try this little mind